Oh my goodness it's been awhile hasn't it? Well, instead of another round of apologies for my horrible procrastination of writing this blog I'll just get right to it:
I'M MARRIED!!!!! Gosh, it feel good to finally say that. Actually, I have been married a little over three months now which still knocks my socks off to be honest. In some ways I feel like I've been married to Laredo for ten years, but then it still its me randomly, that I'm married, me! So weird... lol
Also, I'M GRADUATED FOREVER YAY!!!! Done with school! I have so much more freedom and flexibility it's wonderful! I enjoyed my time at LCU, but I'm definitely glad to be opening this chapter.
Life has definitely been moving, perhaps faster than I had initially thought, but in truth, I really enjoy it. Its fast-paced but its with my best friend, my husband. It's actually pretty wonderful!
What does my life consist of? Basically, daily laundry, and I mean daily! When Laredo works on his job he tends to get a bit, disheveled shall we put it. lol And the house, this is a constant upkeep and maintenance I have come to find, not that I'm complaining at all, however I do see the appeal to HGTV's tiny houses, or maybe even a tent. lol
But cooking! Oh my goodness ya'll, this is where this life is sooooo great! I love cooking, anyone that knows me knows how much I love to cook! And when I have all day to do it, its heavenly. (Just ask my husband ;) ) Living by myself if it's just me, I don't usually cook as much simply because frankly, there's no one to cook for? I could live on just butter, cheese, crackers, and chocolate peanut butter, but when Laredo gets home or cooking for friends and family? YAAAASSS! That is the absolute best!
I also have had some time to write. Which is actually quite nice, I've even put myself on a writers site to look for writing jobs and such. Obviously, I'll never make millions, but it's something fun to do that can earn a little extra money.
The absolute best part about this wife life is literally the flexibility! I can pick up and travel anywhere and almost anytime. When it rains and Laredo can't work, we can go take a day trip somewhere, go to the movies, or just not do anything together. (Which is also wonderful.) Anyone that tells me marriage is a "ball an' chain" is clearly not doing it right, and I feel bad, I truly do, because that kind of life sounds awful. Not that my marriage or my life is perfect, oh heavens no! But it works because we both have striven to keep God at the center of our lives and out marriage, this creates a perfect sense peace. Peace within our lives, and our marriage. I encourage you wives to lift up your husbands, be their biggest supporter, not their worst critic. Live your life with a positive and graceful attitude, one day at a time, and I swear, it will all pan out in the end.
A happy wife :)