Monday, September 21, 2015

Excitement Equals Confetti

Excitement Hits at Random Times

Sometimes God throws some excitement in your life as if He were tossing confetti, and this past weekend was certainly no exception.

     My parents have recently moved to Midland so Laredo and I drove up there to see their new house and visit with them some on Saturday afternoon. However, some excitement confetti spilled over us and my car decided to completely die on us in the middle of an intersection, amongst some road construction on the way there.

                                                     The lovely area that we got pushed to.

     All in all it was quite event-full, we had the wonderful luxury of waiting for the wrecker to come pick us up for almost two hours(note my sincere sarcasm.)but in the end we were picked up by a really nice man and his young son and safely made it to my parents new house.

      That Monday before I went to SMASH, its a fun even that the Art Association here on campus put on every second Monday of the month. Taylor and I went and enjoyed it :)

                                                            I got my face-painted! :)

     Later this past weekend Laredo and I were able to enjoy some nice quality time for our nine-month anniversary, it isn't always on a weekend so we were able to take advantage of that. We ate dinner, and I made home-made, organic chicken nuggets for the first time! I've never made any before and it was actually pretty good if I say so myself lol

                                                           He blesses me everyday! <3

       The wonderful anniversary present/early Birthday present that he got for me!!! (This is a great movie by the way and you should all go see it!)

Work has been eventful as well with different photo-shoots, and articles to write but we certainly have some characters at work lol

                                                    The unsuspecting Jeremiah hehe

                                                      Overlooking my desk and Nicole and Jeremiah

                                                        The lovely Blaine!

                                                      Now he's posing! lol

    All in all life has definitely been exciting but always good. God bless everyone and have a great week! :)

Monday, September 14, 2015

Stress, stress, stress....

      Life is definitely going... It's going faster than a speeding train, and sometimes I feel like I can't catch up to ride it.  Yet, I have to keep reminding myself that I'm almost done with school, and I'm almost married, and someday soon the train will slow down and I'll be able to gracefully walk onto the train instead of rushing and leaping.

       On the bright side though, I've got a bunch of Save the Dates envelopes addressed so that makes me feel accomplished. And I have finished writing all of my articles for the Wedding Connection issue.  Yay for that! I had a good weekend with my wonderful fiance and got to meet a lot of his family on his Father's side.  They're a fun group.

        All, in all life is good, it's just incredibly busy, but I suppose that's not necessarily a bad thing; God is good, life is good...